Thursday, May 19, 2011

Purposeful Lollygagging...

There are plenty of metaphors to describe the schedule I've been keeping this year: too many plates in the airs, trapped on a merry-go-round, burning candle at both ends...etc. But I am at the end of one teaching year, and have done enough of my administrative tasks to have a lightened schedule until June.

Which is why I have instituted the rest of May as time for "purposeful lollygagging." I define the term simply: taking time to do those things you were too busy enjoy all year. For when life is chaotic, it is always the simple pleasures that are the first to go.

I've realized that unless I write fun things on the calendar as well, they will never happen. There is always another task that will fill up any free hour, and who wants to look back on a life of completed to-do lists?

So, today Girlie and I are taking out our planner and filling the empty blocks with fun in mind. Our plans aren't big and bold. I'd like watch a chick flick and eat popcorn in the middle of the day. I want to stroll through the garden center and then plant some annuals. I want to throw the dogs in the car and walk the trails. What joy it will be to have girlfriends over and break out the blender, cook up a feast, or simply sleep in.

Or, sit on the patio with the birds, coffee, and a good book. I'm off....

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